Saturday, July 25, 2009

Bearing Precious Seed

All journeys have "bumps" and times of "Are we there yet?" Sometimes we just get plain discouraged and want to turn back. That's where I was last Wednesday. Thinking that our planes tickets would be purchased soon and knowing that our funds were not sufficient yet for the trip, I wanted to quit. During my devotional time with the Lord, I shared my thoughts with Him as if He was not fully aware of my despair. I asked God to give me a clear indication that day that He still desired me to go on this mission trip. I was sure that either I would hear of more support that day or I would just have to convince my husband we needed to quit. (Oh how foolish I sound now as I write this.)

Well the day continued with no news and per our usual habit, we went to Wednesday night prayer meeting at our church. The message was from Psalms 126:6, " He that goeth forth and weepeth, bearing precious seed, shall doubtless come again with rejoicing, bringing his sheaves with him." Pastor Jody related the verse to a farmer who had seed and must plant it to receive the hope of a harvest. He began to refer to Gospel tracts as seeds and said, "Anybody can give out a tract" Then he began to get personal. He said if we were saved someone had planted a seed and how selfish it would be not to plant a seed for someone else.

Still thinking about the upcoming trip to the Deaflympics, I remembered the first conversation with David Bennett, our Team Leader, in Burger King last fall. After sharing about the planned trip, he asked us to pray about joining the team. My first response was, "We are not good enough." At that time I was thinking only of our ASL skills. David's response was something like this, " No one is asking you to compete just give give out tracts." After much prayer we realized that God did want us to go on this trip and even though in ourselves we really were not good enough. However the Almighty God of the Universe would enable us to give out tracts to precious souls in a strange land or whatever He chose for us to do.

Fast forward to July 23, Wednesday night church at Buffalo Ridge Baptist. I am ready to quit and God sends the same message, " Anybody can give out a tract." What more support does anyone need?

I can hardly wait to bear some Precious Seed in Taipei.


... and the rest of the story. I missed a call from my son Wednesday night. I later found out he was calling to tell us that his church had voted to support us!! God is so good and His timing is perfect!!

1 comment:

  1. Diana,
    Your story is so cool to read. I am sure God will continue to surprise you in His provision, and bless your willingness to serve.
    We are so proud of you and will continue to pray for you as you represent our area, as our missionaries to the Deaf in Taiwan.
    Love ya,
    Cathy Metcalf
