Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Big Thank You to our Little Missionary Helpers

We are thankful to all the people who helped us with finances to make this trip to Taipei. God was faithful to meet all our needs by using those who were willing to support us. We have been so blessed.

All of you are special to us but our little missionary helper grandchildren really encouraged us with their efforts. As soon as they received our first letter about the trip they found a jar, taped our prayer card to it and began to collect and save money for us. They actually collected quite a bit.

Not only was the money much appreciated for our trip, but we are so thankful that our children are teaching their children to love God and to support His work around the world.

A big thank you to Christopher, Collin, Issac, and Annette. We love you.

Thursday, August 20, 2009


Tomorrow we take our "baby" to college. At his high school graduation our 7 children presented me with a card and a beautiful engraved bracelet to commemorate my retirement from Home Schooling. Now our nest is becoming empty and we enter a new phase of our lives. Sunrise, sunset... How swiftly fly the years? I don't remember growing older. When did they? (paraphased from Fiddler on the Roof)

Of course we will always be parents loving, helping and encouraging our children in their walk with the Lord. Some follow Him closely while other stumble and falter. Regardless their Heavenly Father, the Perfect Parent, has them in His care.

I have been wondering today about what this change will bring to my life. In just 12 days we leave on a mission trip. Does God have a new ministry for us? His timing is always perfect.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Which Event Will Larry Compete In?

This morning in our Sunday School class, Larry shared prayer requests about our trip. He explained about Deaf athletes coming from 81 different countries and told about the Silent Word Team that would be there. He asked our fellow class members to pray for us as we traveled to the Deaflympics in Taipei, Taiwan.

After class a lady asked me, " Which event will Larry be competing in?" As you can see in this picture, my husband is not exactly the athletic type. Besides Tennessee Football is not listed as one of the events. I smiled and told her that Larry was not competing but we were going to pass out tracts, dvds and to witness to the deaf and hearing people coming to the Games. We both laughed and continued on our way to the morning worship service.

Later as I thought about the conversation, I realized my answer was not really correct. It is true that Larry nor anyone else on our team will not be swimming, bowling, westling, orienteering, cycling, running cross country, basketball or any of the other 13 events. However we will all be competing. No one on the Silent Word International team will recieve a gold medal but will recieve far more valuable rewards.

We will be competing with the powers of darkness and the very forces of Hell to rescue precious souls. Our Emeny, the devil, will be a strong contender but will be no match for our Almighty God!! The Silent Word International Team is a GOSPEL TEAM!! Pray for us. We are asking God for at least 30 people to recieve the "metal" of Everlasting Life.
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Thursday, August 13, 2009

Rooting in the Grandstands

“Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us, 12:2 Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God. 12:3 For consider him that endured such contradiction of sinners against himself, lest ye be wearied and faint in your minds.” Hebrews 12:1-3

Imagine with me the following scenes. One scene takes place in Heaven, and another scene takes place on earth.The apostle Paul, along with many other of his traveling buddies from years gone by, is sitting in a Grandstand similar to the ones at the new Sports Arena in Taipei, Taiwan. It is large and new. It even smells new. Everything in Heaven smells new ... all the time. It is huge.

Paul is excited as people start to make their way onto the playing field. The competition is about to begin.The two teams playing are the HOME TEAM, made up of heathen deaf and hearing people from around the world. The VISITING TEAM is made up of evangelists from halfway around the world. They are the USA SWMI TEAM.Paul looks over his program to get the names of those playing on the “VISITING TEAM” today. There he finds names like Jimmie Sharpton, Julia Walker, Hannah Coburn, etc.The well respected apostle gets even more excited now. His team is a champion team. This is the “VISITING TEAM” since they are playing on the “HOME” team’s own field. Paul’s favorite team is playing an “AWAY GAME.” In fact, all their games are Away Games since they don’t go home for a long time yet.But, though they are playing on the field of the “HOME” team, Paul’s team is still very favored to win. Now as the team takes the field, the Apostle Paul, up in the Grandstands, stands to his feet and begins to cheer. His friends, Luke, Titus, Timothy, Tychicus, Epaphras, John Mark, Epaphroditus, and Barnabas, to name a few, all stand and join in the cheering with him. But the loudest cheer of all and most enthusiastic, no doubt, comes from the apostle himself. He remembers well when he was younger and played the field.

Those were the days. Many called them “THE GLORY DAYS.” How he could play. No one, they say, ever played the game better. Yet he loves to sit and stand and cheer for those who play now, those who have taken his place. He often argues in the stands that others have played far better than he did and could run much faster than he could run. He was a superstar though, if ever there was one. But he never brings that up. He only talks about the others who played on the field with him or about those on the field even now.In fact, if you listen to him in the stands now, you can hear him talking about up-and-coming stars like Mike Green, Joseph Haden, Ros Hyatt, Sarah Coburn, Daniel Bennett, etc.

When the game begins everyone is on their feet stretching to catch site of every move and every player. Much attention is fixed on this VISITING TEAM, especially by the HOME team's fans. They are asking questions, like, “Where did they come from? Who are they? What are they doing here? Why haven't we ever heard of them before?”After a while, some are starting to shout at them to go home and to get lost. "Get out of here!" they cry.
But the Apostle Paul stands and cheers even louder. “GO! GO! GO! GET 'EM! GET 'EM! GET 'EM! TAKE IT TO 'EM! LET 'EM HAVE IT! PREACH! PREACH! PREACH!”“YEAAAAH!” he shouts when he sees a great defensive play or a wonderful attack made on the HOME team's goal. He comments to the other old-timers by his side, “We haven't seen playing like this in a long time! Man, this is great!”The others shout out, “Did you see that move!? Wow, look what Bill Towner just did! What a move!”Another adds: “Antonio Fidalgo sure made a tremendous play a minute ago!”Another shouts enthusiastically: “Go get ‘em girl!” as Nicole Condra takes the ball downfield and makes an exciting shot on goal.And then all at once they all stand and shout “GOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAALLLLLL! SCOOOOORRRREEEE!”

The Apostle Paul goes crazy with excitement! A soul was saved; the first of this game. It was an amazing move that Nicole put on that HOME town defender. A soul was saved! The VISITING TEAM’s fans all go to hugging and patting each other on the back as if they themselves had scored the goal. They all had felt this thrill themselves in years gone by, but that was a long time ago. But to them this was even better as they watch the new guys on the block take their places and begin to win games for the “VISITING TEAM.” And this was NOW! Wow, what a game it has been so far, and it is still early. But they are all expecting to see many MORE GOALS ... I mean ... MORE SOULS saved.

Larry Galyen is playing in the corner with Diana Galyen. What a team they make. Paul mentions that they remind him of Aquila and Priscilla. Aquila speaks up “Did I hear someone say my name?” Silas repeats what Paul said while Aquila and Priscilla both turn red. But everyone knows it was the truth and they deserved the medals they received after their game was finished! Larry and Diana were some of the most enthusiastic players coming into this game. They sure did a lot to prepare themselves. Justus says that he expects great things from them in this game. “Yes," Paul pipes up ... "with the same Holy Spirit power that we all had.... to the glory of God!” And then suddenly, Larry goes on a fast break and while some of the old stars in the Grandstand are talking, Larry takes a shot on goal and those who were paying attention yell, “SCOOOOORRRREEEEE!"Then others repeat, “GOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAALLLLLL!”Fantastic play! 2-0 for the AWAY TEAM!Pretty soon it is 4-0 as others have their moments. Then Winfrey Edward Arnold III scores a goal and makes it 5-0 for the VISITING TEAM. What a play that was!

Titus and Timothy in the Grandstands go crazy with excitement. What a game this has turned out to be! Who would have thought it?Barnabas is sitting stoically in the Grandstands and almost rebukes some who didn't expect much of a game. “Where is your faith? Haven't you been praying for the team? What's wrong with you anyway? Aren’t you on the winning team yourself? Come on, man, get up and cheer. Look over at the sidelines. Can’t you see what is happening?” The VISITING TEAM has a host of players over on the sideline, all on their knees in prayer. What support they are giving to the team on the field! Barnabas continues, “No wonder this team is winning. They can't help but win. They Have “The Power.”“Like in our own days,” quips Paul with a great big smile. “We had people back home praying for us as well. How many times did I write home and tell them to pray for God to give me boldness? And guess what ... He did. If it hadn't been for those folks praying I don't know where I would have gone or what I would have done. I was dependent on those prayer warriors back home.”And then the score increases even more .... 6-0 and then 7-0. It isn’t easy going out there on the field but there is something, it seems, behind this team. There is a force that is helping the team more than any one can realize. It is apparent.Jesse Coleman scores goal number 8 and Jody Upton scores goals number 9 and 10, back to back. One more and she’ll have a hat-trick, as they say in some sports. It is an amazing game; at least for the VISITING TEAM it is. Finally it is half time. Five days have passed. It has been an exciting first half, for sure. But the VISITING TEAM isn’t even half way to the goal they set out to reach C 30 souls saved.

The second half promises to be even more exciting. Some adjustments are sure to be made, by both teams.In the locker room the coach of the HOME TEAM is furious. He yells at his players. “What is going on out there? Can't you guys do anything right? When are you going to start playing? You have to be more aggressive with that team.”“I don't know how they do it, coach,” says one of the players named Demon.“Well, I don't either, but I know one thing; you guys had better play better and harder in the second half or we're going to lose this game and all our fans. Play dirtier this half. Play meaner. I want to see more sweat …. and some blood! You know the rules. We are limited to what we can do. But let’s push the limits to the fullest this second half!” he screams.

The Coach of the VISITING TEAM gives everyone a pat on the back as they enter their locker room. They all need some rest. It has been a great game so far but there is still much time left, and still more souls to be saved. Coach speaks up, “Don’t be discouraged. Your labor is not in vain in the Lord. Keep up the good work. The task may seem difficult and daunting, but we must all be determined to not give up. Don’t look at the victories of the last half, but keep your eyes on the goal, and press forward in the Spirit’s might. Have faith in God. He has never failed you yet.”David Bennett, the team captain, also adds his words of commendation for a half well-played and gives some instructions as to how to be more offensive and how to take advantage of the strengths of each team member. “Remember, God is not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance. He is with you always, even unto the end of the game!” He finishes with another word of prayer.With those words, half time is over.

All the players from the VISITING TEAM head back to the field, eager to get back to work where the goals are eternal and the rewards are glorious.As the second half starts, immediately several of the VISITING TEAM players get knocked over as the HOME TEAM starts to have its way, it would seem. Play is definitely much harder than in the first half. It seems that the HOME TEAM may make a comeback. There are several shots on goal by the HOME TEAM but they miss every time. The goalie of the VISITING TEAM is named Faith and he sure has saved a lot of goals in this game, especially in this second half already. However, the HOME TEAM players aren’t missing the shins of the VISITING TEAM. The VISITING TEAM players are beginning to get all bruised up while the HOME TEAM only snarls and warns them that things could get worse if they don’t watch out.The Grandstands are as quiet as ever at this point. It doesn't seem like much is happening to get them up off their feet. It seems that some concern is setting in.

And then it happens.... Reed Condra is down. He has a bloody mouth and bloody nose. He just took a terrible elbow to the face. He was playing such a great game, too! But he has to go out of the game and sit on the sidelines. As the Coach takes a look at him, He smiles and thanks him for a game well played. Reed takes his place near Allan Snare who was injured before this game began and couldn't even get out on the field. Allan begged and begged the Coach to let him go and play anyway, but the Coach simply and calmly said “No.” There wasn’t even an explanation; just a plain, “No.” Two of the superstars are now on the sidelines injured. But they have taken their place with those who are praying. These are team players, for sure. Praise the Coach! Does He ever know what He is doing! Those two guys play almost as well from the bench, on their knees, as they do on the field. (In fact, a story is told of Reed getting down on his knees one time ON THE FIELD during the middle of an attack and stopping to pray. He didn’t pray long but when he got up, the enemy team was so shocked that Reed scored a goal and left them speechless and kicking themselves instead of the ball!) The Coach called the team captain, David Bennett, over to the sideline while play stopped to get Reed off the field. Few noticed it since all eyes were on Reed as he exited the field. David, with some words of counsel from the Coach, calls the other players over for a word of encouragement before the game resumes. Quickly he reminds the VISITING TEAM of those who went on before them in other games in other places. They too were beaten up, battered and bruised. Some were carried off the field with much pain. Others never were able to play the same again. But they prayed on the sidelines. Interesting thing: it often seems the Coach enjoys having certain players more off the field than on the field. Some players even died of their injuries and couldn’t stay to pray. But they now root in the Grandstands.

David also reminded the team of the score of those games and how they had all won their games though some were injured in some of them. Some actually played better with their injuries. They seemed to get more assists as they now had to share the ball with others more than before.As the game resumed, Craig Coffman, encouraged by the words of the team captain, quickly takes the ball and dribbles it down the field all by himself and scores. “GOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAALLLLLL!” goes up the cry from the Grandstands. As usual, the Apostle Paul cheers especially loud. Wow, does he have a strong voice… and lots of team spirit!11-0 for the VISITING TEAM... And there is more from where that came from!Soon others are scoring a second and third goal. The apostle Paul is on his feet. In fact, he hasn't sat down for the last 25 minutes of the game. Now here is a man who loves this game of Soul-winning. He cheers others on with more enthusiasm than he himself had for the game, and that’s saying something!
Soon the score is 29-0. But several others have had to go out of the game. The HOME TEAM has racked up several yellow cards and even a few red cards.

A funny, or rather, a strange thing has happened in this game. Two of the players who were hurt, Donna Condra and Robert Gunter, told the men who hurt them that they loved them and forgave them. And before long, to everyone's amazement, the red-carded offenders ran across the field and took their place on their knees with others on the VISITING TEAM! What a crazy scene! And to make matters more astounding, they found themselves being hugged by the very two players that they had put out of the game with their “rough play.”The goalie for the VISITING TEAM played a great game today. He took a lot of shots on the goal but defended them all. The goalie for the HOME TEAM played a great game as well, although the results don’t seem to show it. It wasn’t that he was a terrible goalie, but that the team he was playing against had an exceptional Coach and everyone on this team had some type of extraordinary power! How do you compete with that? This goalie didn’t have much of a chance, really.The game isn’t over yet but there are only 2 minutes to play. We are down to the end.

The outcome of the game now seems certain. But it has always been certain, ever since the Coach rose from a grave in what is considered one of the bloodiest games ever played.The Coach had told the captain, David Bennett, before the game that He wanted them to score 30 goals in this game. David almost told the Coach He was crazy but thought better of it. It looks like the Coach was almost on target with His prediction ....... but wait! Look, there goes Reed Condra back onto the field and races down the field with Bill Towner who has the ball and on another fast break they make the game C 30-0! Wow! What a goal that was. The goalie got a hand on the ball but the force of the kick was just too much and the ball spun over his outstretched hand and into the corner of the goal. AMAZING! Simply AMAZING!30-0 ... Who ever would have thought it!

The apostle Paul jumped up so high that he fell over Tychicus and onto Aquila who was sitting in front of him. Now there is Celestial popcorn all over the ground and in Aquila’s lap. But Paul gets up and goes on screaming with excitement. He is ecstatic. What a barn burner this has been C 30-0! What a game! Praise the Coach. To God be the Glory, great things He hath done!As the final seconds tick off the clock, the saints in the Grandstands have absolutely gone wild. And that’s the game, folks. The referee has blown the whistle. This game is over. The VISITING TEAM players all fall into each other’s arms with fatigue and joy. This is a game they will never forget. In fact, some of the players have been changed forever. Life will never be the same again.Several of them snatch a team flag from the sidelines and begin running around the stadium waving to the fans in the Grandstands. The apostle Paul and all his friends wave vigorously as the VISITING TEAM runs by their section of the stands. What a thrill for all.

Thirty goals have been scored. Players who started off playing on the OPPOSING TEAM are now on the sidelines with the AWAY TEAM, lifting up holy hands and praising God. Those who prayed and gave financially to make this game even possible are all encouraged by the results. Now they will all share in the rewards.As the players make their way over to the sidelines, they are all met by the Coach who smiles and says, “Well done, thou good and faithful player. Enter into the joy of your reward.”A trophy now waits in Heaven for each one… and a victor’s crown.
I Thessalonians 2:19
"For what is our hope, or joy, or crown of rejoicing?
Are not even ye in the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ at his coming?"

Written by David Bennett. Used by permission.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

What Can You Buy for 65 Cents?

Two quarters, a dime and a nickel---only 65 cents!!!

What can we buy today with this small amount of change? A candy bar? a soda? a pencil? Maybe but nothing of great worth you may say.

Would you believe there is a product of great worth that can be an eternal investment with astonishing rewards and benefits for only 65 cents?

God has allowed Silent Word Ministries International (SWMI) to professionally make a DVD with the gospel clearly presented along with a couple messages preached and interpreted into twelve different languages. Each DVD costs just 65 cents!
The DVD is loaded with resources to get the attention of the Deaf and to point them directly to Christ. This well may be the singular most important Gospel message ever produced to target Deaf people worldwide.

The Mission Team will be distributing these at the Deaflympics in Taipei in less than a month. These DVDs will go into Deaf homes and schools in China, Russia, Japan, South Korea, Singapore, Macau, Swaziland, Spain, India, Israel, Brazil, Venezuela, and Mexico, to name a few. In fact, we hope to distribute DVDs to Deaf people in Taiwan from 14 countries that are politically closed to the Gospel at this time!

How many Deaf would you like to give the Gospel to?

Each DVD costs us 65¢. So if you would like to like to have a part in giving out 100 DVDs, it would cost you just $65.
A gift of $100 would place 153 DVDs into the hands of lost people, mostly Deaf.
A gift of $150 would help us to distribute 230 Gospel DVDs.
A gift of $250 pays for 384 DVDs. $500 doubles that to 768 evangelistic DVDs.
Of course, a gift of $1000 would provide 1536 DVDs.
Donations can be sent to:
P.O. Box 889
Trenton GA 30752

Monday, July 27, 2009

How Many Times Have You Heard the Gospel?

How many times have you heard the Gospel? Most Christians would have no idea how many times but surely it has been numerous. We are so blessed especially in America to have the privilege to hear the Word of God.

Why do I ask?

Yesterday I heard a challenging message from Bro. Jim Sloan, veteran missionary to the Deaf. Here are some statistics he gave.

There are 400 million+ Deaf people in the world. The plus is important because many countries do not count their Deaf therefore the number would be significantly higher.
For comparison, the United States has about 300 million people.

It is estimated that 90% of the Deaf have never heard the Gospel 1 time.

How many times have you heard the Gospel?

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Bearing Precious Seed

All journeys have "bumps" and times of "Are we there yet?" Sometimes we just get plain discouraged and want to turn back. That's where I was last Wednesday. Thinking that our planes tickets would be purchased soon and knowing that our funds were not sufficient yet for the trip, I wanted to quit. During my devotional time with the Lord, I shared my thoughts with Him as if He was not fully aware of my despair. I asked God to give me a clear indication that day that He still desired me to go on this mission trip. I was sure that either I would hear of more support that day or I would just have to convince my husband we needed to quit. (Oh how foolish I sound now as I write this.)

Well the day continued with no news and per our usual habit, we went to Wednesday night prayer meeting at our church. The message was from Psalms 126:6, " He that goeth forth and weepeth, bearing precious seed, shall doubtless come again with rejoicing, bringing his sheaves with him." Pastor Jody related the verse to a farmer who had seed and must plant it to receive the hope of a harvest. He began to refer to Gospel tracts as seeds and said, "Anybody can give out a tract" Then he began to get personal. He said if we were saved someone had planted a seed and how selfish it would be not to plant a seed for someone else.

Still thinking about the upcoming trip to the Deaflympics, I remembered the first conversation with David Bennett, our Team Leader, in Burger King last fall. After sharing about the planned trip, he asked us to pray about joining the team. My first response was, "We are not good enough." At that time I was thinking only of our ASL skills. David's response was something like this, " No one is asking you to compete just give give out tracts." After much prayer we realized that God did want us to go on this trip and even though in ourselves we really were not good enough. However the Almighty God of the Universe would enable us to give out tracts to precious souls in a strange land or whatever He chose for us to do.

Fast forward to July 23, Wednesday night church at Buffalo Ridge Baptist. I am ready to quit and God sends the same message, " Anybody can give out a tract." What more support does anyone need?

I can hardly wait to bear some Precious Seed in Taipei.


... and the rest of the story. I missed a call from my son Wednesday night. I later found out he was calling to tell us that his church had voted to support us!! God is so good and His timing is perfect!!