Thursday, August 20, 2009


Tomorrow we take our "baby" to college. At his high school graduation our 7 children presented me with a card and a beautiful engraved bracelet to commemorate my retirement from Home Schooling. Now our nest is becoming empty and we enter a new phase of our lives. Sunrise, sunset... How swiftly fly the years? I don't remember growing older. When did they? (paraphased from Fiddler on the Roof)

Of course we will always be parents loving, helping and encouraging our children in their walk with the Lord. Some follow Him closely while other stumble and falter. Regardless their Heavenly Father, the Perfect Parent, has them in His care.

I have been wondering today about what this change will bring to my life. In just 12 days we leave on a mission trip. Does God have a new ministry for us? His timing is always perfect.

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