Monday, August 17, 2009

Which Event Will Larry Compete In?

This morning in our Sunday School class, Larry shared prayer requests about our trip. He explained about Deaf athletes coming from 81 different countries and told about the Silent Word Team that would be there. He asked our fellow class members to pray for us as we traveled to the Deaflympics in Taipei, Taiwan.

After class a lady asked me, " Which event will Larry be competing in?" As you can see in this picture, my husband is not exactly the athletic type. Besides Tennessee Football is not listed as one of the events. I smiled and told her that Larry was not competing but we were going to pass out tracts, dvds and to witness to the deaf and hearing people coming to the Games. We both laughed and continued on our way to the morning worship service.

Later as I thought about the conversation, I realized my answer was not really correct. It is true that Larry nor anyone else on our team will not be swimming, bowling, westling, orienteering, cycling, running cross country, basketball or any of the other 13 events. However we will all be competing. No one on the Silent Word International team will recieve a gold medal but will recieve far more valuable rewards.

We will be competing with the powers of darkness and the very forces of Hell to rescue precious souls. Our Emeny, the devil, will be a strong contender but will be no match for our Almighty God!! The Silent Word International Team is a GOSPEL TEAM!! Pray for us. We are asking God for at least 30 people to recieve the "metal" of Everlasting Life.
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