Thursday, August 6, 2009

What Can You Buy for 65 Cents?

Two quarters, a dime and a nickel---only 65 cents!!!

What can we buy today with this small amount of change? A candy bar? a soda? a pencil? Maybe but nothing of great worth you may say.

Would you believe there is a product of great worth that can be an eternal investment with astonishing rewards and benefits for only 65 cents?

God has allowed Silent Word Ministries International (SWMI) to professionally make a DVD with the gospel clearly presented along with a couple messages preached and interpreted into twelve different languages. Each DVD costs just 65 cents!
The DVD is loaded with resources to get the attention of the Deaf and to point them directly to Christ. This well may be the singular most important Gospel message ever produced to target Deaf people worldwide.

The Mission Team will be distributing these at the Deaflympics in Taipei in less than a month. These DVDs will go into Deaf homes and schools in China, Russia, Japan, South Korea, Singapore, Macau, Swaziland, Spain, India, Israel, Brazil, Venezuela, and Mexico, to name a few. In fact, we hope to distribute DVDs to Deaf people in Taiwan from 14 countries that are politically closed to the Gospel at this time!

How many Deaf would you like to give the Gospel to?

Each DVD costs us 65¢. So if you would like to like to have a part in giving out 100 DVDs, it would cost you just $65.
A gift of $100 would place 153 DVDs into the hands of lost people, mostly Deaf.
A gift of $150 would help us to distribute 230 Gospel DVDs.
A gift of $250 pays for 384 DVDs. $500 doubles that to 768 evangelistic DVDs.
Of course, a gift of $1000 would provide 1536 DVDs.
Donations can be sent to:
P.O. Box 889
Trenton GA 30752

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